Thursday, September 20, 2007

My New Guinea

It takes a long time to catch our guinea because it is wild. I'm positive it's a boy, but my mom and sister aren't convinced. It makes the sound a boy guinea makes. We are going to get straw for it tonight for it's roost. We got it for my mom to eat lots and lots of black widow spiders. Fowls need protein and bugs have a lot of it.


Unknown said...

i wonder: did you choose this guinea, or did this guinea choose you??

Jeannie Haas said...

I think your guinea is a boy, too. He is big and brave to come out of the wild and live with you. Is his nose pink? Gigi

Janine said...

What kind of sound does a boy guinea make?

Todd-o said...

Are guineas and dinosaurs related?

Jack in New Orleans said...

I knew that a guinea could be a guinea pig or that it could be a kind of money, but I had no idea that it was also a bird. I learned something today!

Jennifer said...

Do guineas eat anything besides spiders or is that just their favorite bug dish?